10 things.

Friday, April 17, 2015

10 things I'm thankful for this week:
  1. the incredible amount of confidence I've gained since starting college
  2. knocking things off my to-do list like it's my job
  3. Everlane Ryan Tees (I know it's silly to be thankful for a t-shirt, but seriously, these things are the BEST solution to the reoccuring "I have nothing to wear!" crisis. I love them and swear by them.)
  4. taking advantage of the free resources at my university by going to counseling.
  5. self-awareness, and my constant search for more of it
  6. having time off this weekend to look forward to
  7. deep breathing exercises to help me deal with stress(thanks again, counseling!)
  8. spending time alone in my bed on rainy evenings
  9. all of M*A*S*H is now on Netflix
  10. living a room away from one of my best friends(also, thanks to that best friend, Olivia, for taking a beautiful and current picture of me! I've been needing a new profile pic on Facebook for a while now.)

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