christmas eve.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My mom turned 50 on Christmas Eve and that night my family took our annual trip to Christmas Town USA. I had a wonderful holiday and I'm so thankful for everything I received and for the people who I shared it with.

the depot.

Monday, December 24, 2012

These pictures are busy and full of "stuff," but that is exactly how The Depot is. The Depot is an antique mall located in an old mill in my hometown. It is awesome and it is especially awesome this time of year. Handmade and antique Christmas decorations are much more cozy, spirited, and merry than the new stuff you can find anywhere else, and I believe that with my whole heart.

under the winter weather.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

I'm sick. Really sick. Fever of 102 sick.
I've been drinking a lot Christmas tea with lemon and honey, eating chicken noodle soup, and doing nothing except watching HGTV so that I can hopefully get to feeling better before Christmas.

low key.

Friday, December 21, 2012

1. The Charlotte skyline as seen from outside Amelie's in NoDa.
2. My sister singing in our high school's annual winter choral concert.

a christmas post.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I'm not in love with these pictures by any means, but my family and I took a trip to the mountains to buy our Christmas tree like we do every year. The trip seems a little excessive just to get a tree, but I've grown to look forward to it and I can't imagine doing anything different with my own kids one day. I love going to an actual farm where the trees are guaranteed fresh, and I also love seeing the more rural parts of the mountains dotted with dairy cows and old general stores. We had to go a little later in the season than we had hoped because of my exam schedule, but I'm glad I was able to go with my family this year.

christmastime in the city.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I've been home for winter break for about a week. I have been spending a lot less time on the internet, answering texts, and checking email. It's been nice to be able to relax, spend time with family, and unplug.

I spent my 12/12/12 with my dad in Downtown Charlotte. We walked around downtown, got an Eggnog Latte, enjoyed the Christmas decorations, and went to the Mint Museum. It was great. I love going into art museums with my dad. We like to take our time browsing and reading the descriptions, and the same pieces tend to catch our eyes. I'm lucky to have so many interests to share with my dad.

paris of the south.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Walking downtown at night this time of year has made me realize why this city is nicknamed "Paris of the South."
Also, I am obsessed with the French Broad Chocolate Lounge (top photo) as well as Dobra Tea (bottom photo). 
Asheville, you're doing it right.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I've been spending the last week of the semester tucked away, watching a lot of Netflix(officially hooked on Sons of Anarchy. I know it's a bit late.), eating a lot of junk food(whoops. I will get it together soon. I promise.), cuddling, sleeping, not wearing real pants, resting, studying, relaxing, and writing.
Time is flying and I'm just trying to slow down for a moment(is it really December already?).

Anyway, I'm alive and well. I have simply been on a much needed hiatus for a bit.