Today I started to really settle into my dorm room and college routine. Sundays are the best days for checking off those annoying tasks on your to-do list that you've been putting off all week, and today I did those things. I hung up bulletin boards and wall art, washed a load of laundry, wrote down the schedule for the group exercise classes on campus, and organized notebooks and folders for class.
Now I'm settling into bed with a cup of tea because I happened to catch the start of Beetlejuice just as it was coming on ABC Family. (um, SCORE.) I'm feeling ready for the week ahead and even more ready to start falling into some sort of a routine now that I'm back at school.
P.S. I'm also so looking forward to fall now that spooky things are starting to appear on my Pinterest feed. I love the warm, raw, gypsy vibe I'm getting from these pins.
my Pinterest.