spring renewal

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Break is here and it could not have came at a better time. This week, so far, has been spent with a great deal of much needed relaxation and renewal. With the yearbook finally completed and the deadline for the AP Art portfolio swiftly approaching, it is needless to say that I am in desperate need of a break.

 To kick things in to high gear, Lonnie and I took a spontaneous trip to Morrow Mountain to camp. Moriah and Samm joined us.
(.....for the record, I have repainted my nails since this. I promise.)
It was one of our better ideas. We drank peach cider and cooked some hot dogs over a campfire. It was really cold during the night and we weren't there for very long, but it was nice to run away for a while.
Keeping up with the whole spontaneity theme, Lonnie stopped at Cline's Antiques during our trip home. We spent a good couple of hours exploring.

Moriah was unable to buy that guitar after carrying it around for the majority of the time we were there but managed to take home those super cool glasses.

So to sum up my break so far, I have stayed busy tanning, reading, running all over town with Lonnie(which has resulted in the purchase of the small glass container for 49 cents at Salvation Army, pictured above), eating fast food, finally seeing The Hunger Games with Samm (I am so late to that whole party), camping, attending my first fish fry (!!!!), drinking peach tea, working out, watching HGTV late at night (whyyy), sleeping, and drawing inspiration from my new Pinterest.

I was very hesitant about getting one. I told myself that I have taken up enough space on the internet and on top of all the other websites I have been a slave to over the years, I did not need another one. However, I'm glad I caved. I need a little organization in my life and this is the perfect place to do it. It's an online inspiration board. An extension of my sketchbook. A place to keep bookmarks organized. A place where I can categorize and find exactly what I'm looking for at a glance. Really not a bad thing at all.

Or so I keep telling myself. Thus concludes my Pinterest rant.

The rest of my week will consist of the same listed above, as well as painting and going to Asheville on Friday for Admitted Students Day.

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