self-love and 15 ways to shake loneliness.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Without going into anything too much, I'm currently going through a break up. I'm okay, but I've been spending a lot of time alone. However, I truly believe that it doesn't have to be a bad thing. I think loving oneself is so important, so I'm finding ways to treat myself and take care of myself now that I have the time to do so.

Here are a few of my no-fail methods to shake the blahs and enjoy time spent alone:
  1. Indulge in a guilty pleasure. (or two. or three. mine are currently Rich Kids of Beverly Hills and hazelnut lattes.)
  2. Spend time outside. Walk around a local park or your neighborhood. Get some sun on your face.
  3. Curl up with a blanket and a good book.
  4. Better yet, take a bubble bath.
  5. Spend quiet time alone drinking tea or coffee. Do nothing else. Enjoy the silence. Embrace it.
  6. Take a yoga or spin class. Go for a run. Try something new. Sweat a little.
  7. Eat fruit. You'll feel better afterward, trust me.
  8. Journal. Paint. Make something. Blog. Get what's inside of you out.
  9. Call an old friend or a relative. You will always feel better afterward. (also, did you know that talking to your mom on the phone is proven to actually reduce stress? It's true.)
  10. Purge your closet. Figure out what your wardrobe is lacking and start saving and shopping.
  11. Watch your favorite movie, or an old movie you've never seen but have always been meaning to. A Sunday night spent in bed watching Some Like It Hot is a Sunday night well spent.
  12. Gather inspiration. Peruse Pinterest or buy prints to create a gallery wall. Cut up magazines and throw up some pictures and quotes on a bulletin board.
  13. Make a new playlist with songs that inspire you.
  14. Sleep in on a Saturday morning. Eat breakfast in bed. Take your time getting ready. Put on a face mask. Paint your nails. Do not rush.
  15. Wear that lipstick. Wear those shoes. Wear it and own it. Life is short.

1 comment :

  1. It will take time dear daughter but trust me that I believe in you and who you are as a person and know that if you only embraced a sliver of love that I have for you- you would never feel alone or without someone who sees the beauty you bring to this world.
