alive and well.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

First of all, I know what this looks like, and I promise that I won't be only using pictures from Instagram from here on out. (Although I am, admittedly, a tad obsessed.) But please bare with me during these last few weeks of the semester. It is crunch time, and I haven't exactly been frolicking around campus with my DSLR in tow. (Although I should make time to do so this weekend. Spring in Asheville is too beautiful.)

I've been churning out projects and working out almost daily. (!!!)
I feel good. I feel inspired. I feel ready to clean out my body and my brain.

This came up on my Pinterest feed the other day, and I couldn't agree more.
I don't have much to show for anything right now, but I have high hopes to come back to this space with more plans and projects.


  1. I am glad to see you are back and excited about the spring. Not sure what you are doing Easter Weekend but it would be nice if you came home or maybe we can come visit. I even thought we could drive down to moms Friday night for a quick visit if the weather looked good. I miss you! Glad to see you are working out and being healthy! Love , Dad

  2. It would be nice to do something for Easter Weekend. I hadn't really planned on coming home since it's so close to Summer break, but I can if you want to do something. Going to Memaw's sounds like a great idea if the weather cooperates! I miss you too. Love you.
