settled back in.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

I am back in Asheville after a long, wonderful, and much needed Winter Break. I don't have much to show except for some bits and pieces from my dorm room because it's been raining nonstop since the day I got back. I love the rain. I love rainy days. I love sitting in my room and not having to put any music on because the pitter patter of the rain drops is enough. However, I think the lack of sun is starting to wear everyone on campus (including myself) down more and more every day.
Luckily, all of this rain is supposed to turn into snow tonight, but I guess we'll see. Apparently higher elevations take all the snow from Asheville, so no one is expecting us to actually get any. As a North Carolina native, I'm pretty used to the rumor of snow and the disappointment of not getting any. Despite that, there's still this energy in the air as everyone on campus hopes deep down inside that classes are cancelled tomorrow.
Other than the weather, I am all settled into my room. My Health and Wellness professor was talking about "Environmental Health" and how we should take into consideration the space in which we live and whether or not it works for us as students. I'd like to think that my room really works for me and is a space that makes me feel good. It's something I really strive to create and take care of. I'm happy that I can be living in two different locations and have both feel equally like home.
Other than that:
1. With unpacking, I have realized that my collection of jars is getting a little excessive.
2. My tea collection is also getting a bit excessive. Guess this means I'll have to drink plenty of it this winter!
3. I am aware that I do have a wonderful view of the parking lot. It comes along with living on the first floor.
4. I am on such a creative high right now and I don't want it to go away. The first day of classes is a great time to realize that there is so much I don't know and so much I want to learn. I want to get my hands on everything right now. I've been journaling and sketching and aching for some projects. We'll see if this lasts.

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