
Saturday, December 14, 2013

exam week / lighting candles / sipping coffee by the fire / christmas ornaments / hanging with Crusoe while everyone else is at work and school, he recently got a new dog bed and he LOVES it.

I haven't updated in a while, so here's two posts to make up for it. These two sets of pictures are a glimpse into the bits and pieces of my life lately. I survived exams and made all A's and B's, which is a total success in my opinion. I'm considering the past semester conquered and have been rewarding myself with plenty of free time for relaxation. I'm looking forward to a Winter Break filled with quality family and friend time, cooking, baking, working out, sleeping in, and taking lots of pictures.

Also, if it isn't obvious, I am loving my new lens. All of these photos were shot using it. I'm super excited to use it during the holiday season because HELLO BEAUTIFUL BOKEH. And the way it performs in lowlight is phenomenal: HELLO EVENING CHRISTMAS LIGHTS.

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