10 things.

Friday, May 8, 2015

10 things I'm thankful for this week:

  1. officially living so close to the parkway and the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains
  2. also, Asheville parks, especially the one beside the French Broad river because it is AWESOME and so peaceful
  3. Mr. Clean magic erasers
  4. waking up next to my favorite person every day
  5. Trader Joe's grocery bags(this seems really irrelevant but for a college student moving with limited boxes and luggage, they are a Godsend)
  6. getting all A's and only one B this semester and realizing that hard work actually can pay off, even for those really, really hard semesters that seem to never end
  7. facing my fears and doing adult things like going to the laundromat all by myself(this so wasn't as scary as I thought it would be)
  8. Hopey and Co., a super discounted mainly organic/all natural food store in Asheville where I can get tons of good snacks and groceries for cheap
  9. $1.50 Shock Tops on Thursdays at my boyfriend's new job
  10. finally some warmer weather complete with tons of sunshine

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