downtown excursion.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I join Photo Club at UNCA. I am so happy I did. The gals who started the club are super cool and definitely fit in to my category of people. I've already learned a lot and I hope to learn a ton more. That being said, I'm not happy with this batch of photos. I thought taking a ton of pictures with a group would be better, but I think I prefer to shoot alone. Maybe I just need learn how to get in the zone where there's nothing but me and the image. I always just get so shy when I take pictures. I'm afraid on-lookers are going to judge what I choose to shoot or the fantastic looking group of old ladies gathered around and sipping champagne during book club are going to be offended if I ask to take their picture. It's also difficult to get the right shot when you have to work around 14 other people. I constantly felt like I was in someone's way or someone was in my way. One of the group members made a comment about feeling like a tourist. I think that was part of it, too. Feeling like a tourist in the city you live in is not fun. But the thing is, I do still feel like a tourist in Asheville. One of the best things about the excursion was having the opportunity to see Asheville from the eyes of some people who have been here a while. I ate chips and guacamole at this fantastic restaurant that I haven't even heard of before and I definitely got a better feel for the layout of the city. All in all, it was a good little trip and I'm looking forward to more with this group.

1 comment :

  1. All the shots are great. I especially like the last one for some reason.
