lake eden arts festival.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I didn't have a chance to get any actual decent pictures from LEAF, but here are a few snapshots from walking around. The festival was gorgeous and a lot of fun and completely unlike anything else. The festival was a perfect reflection of Asheville: good food, friendly people, gorgeous sites, and unique art. I'd love to go again next year and maybe get a campsite for the whole weekend with some friends.

Some of my favorite vendors from the festival were:

The Cap Man - I walked back and forth in front of his cap-covered automobile countless times. I couldn't stop staring. After seeing the film Automorphosis at one of the art walks last year, I was beyond ecstatic to see one in person. I wish I could've had a conversation with the man himself, but I was supposed to be working so I felt that it was best that I didn't. I'm regretting it now, but hopefully I will see the Cap Man around again.

Photography 1851 - Authentic tintype photography. Authentic. Tintype. Photography. I almost squealed. I remember learning about these way back in Photography class in middle school. There is nothing like the images this process produces. They are hauntingly beautiful. I'd love to have a portrait made for my wedding someday.

Metamorphosis Metals - Gorgeous handmade jewelry. Simple and rustic. Totally my taste. Someone drop hints to my boyfriend. My birthday is November 24th.

Homegrown - A local food restaurant in Asheville. I've never been to the restaurant itself yet, but I had some of their food at the festival and it was so delicious. I'll definitely be stopping into their restaurant(which is just down the street from campus!) whenever I get the chance.


  1. What kind of caps? bottle caps? Anyway, this looked like a lot of fun. Maybe I can get up there soon and we can go to that restaurant. Love Dad

  2. Yes, bottle caps. If you click the link, he has written his whole story. Apparently he battled cancer and everything. And that sounds good! Love you.
