a perfect shade of dark blue.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lately, I've been learning that what works for someone else may not work for me and what works for me may not work for someone else, and that is okay. I'm learning a lot about the kind of person I am and how I choose to live my life. I need to stop comparing myself to everyone else and focus on exactly what works for me and learn to be happy with that. I have to learn that whatever I do now is my choice, and I am in charge of who I am and how I feel about it and nobody else is.

I'm choosing to go to a smaller college because I like the intimate feel. I'm choosing not to join a sorority because Greek Life doesn't work for me. I'm choosing to have a single room next year because I need to have Lizzie time. I'm choosing to study abroad because I have wanderlust. I'm choosing to live in Asheville because I know the person I am becoming can grow here more than anywhere else. And it's really a wonderful thing that I am able to make these choices.

I am going through a time of growth right now. I know because I can feel it happening to me and it hurts. It hurts to grow. But knowing it's a growing pain is making me very excited to see the kind of person I shape into. And that makes me happy to be growing, despite how uncomfortable it can be.

This doesn't make a lot of sense. I'm home for the weekend and coming back home brings on a flood of emotions and thoughts as I'm thrown back into my "old" life. It's a strange feeling. I feel like I'm from the past and visiting the future and it's all just a lot like time travel. 

Again with the not making a lot of sense thing. I'll wrap this up:
The picture above of Samm is from our visit to the French Broad Chocolate Lounge. If I even try to talk about how amazing it was, I'll have to make a whole other blog post.
It was snowing the day we went, which is crazy to me. Snow before Halloween. Crazy.
Lonnie and I have finished up season 2 of The Walking Dead and I can't get over how hooked I am. I'm emotionally involved with that show. Also, I am so thankful I have someone to cuddle and watch Netflix with as the weather outside gets colder.
The other picture is from the view of Halloween night in Lonnie's backyard. I love how some of the mountains sparkle at night.


  1. Lizzie, I enjoyed you being home and had a great time going to Ren Fest. It was nice spending time with you. I am very proud of your stance with who you are wanting to be. You have never been much of a "lemming" going along with the crowd. You are brave to be this way cause it is much easier to just follow along. Mark Twain said :

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

    I love you so much.

  2. I love that quote. Thank you, Daddy. I had a lot of fun this weekend too. I love you.
