10 things.

Friday, September 11, 2015

10 things in thankful for this week:
  1. having Labor Day off for the first time since starting college!
  2. spending the Sunday before Labor Day outside on a patio eating Jamaican barbecue for brunch
  3. turning in one painting and then painting a quick gestural self-portrait in class the same day. It's been so much work, but I'm remembering what it's like to make physical art you can hold in your hands afterward and it is AWESOME.
  4. taking the Bulldog Nation meeting to a Japanese hibachi restaurant
  5. going into the photo critique thinking my print wasn't good at all, but getting awesome feedback on it
  6. having to go to Michael's for art supplies and spending more time looking at the Halloween decorations
  7. finding cute, cheap office supplies in Target's dollar section
  8. Nicki Minaj
  9. forgetting to eat breakfast and picking up an everything bagel topped with avocado at Rosetta's on campus
  10. sunflowers

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