10 things.

Friday, September 18, 2015

10 things I'm thankful for this week:
  1. spending Monday morning in bed drinking coffee with my love; we had this daily ritual going last year when it was cold out and we were both drinking hot coffee at home, and now that the weather has cooled down a bit, we're starting to pick it back up and it is my FAVORITE thing
  2. seeing my group's senior capstone project come together and getting positive feedback from the professor on our prototype; IT'S ALL HAPPENING
  3. adventuring out onto location for this said project and running across a beautiful place on campus with views of downtown
  4. fashion week snapchat stories and instagram posts
  5. giving myself the week off from workouts to rest and relax after catching a cold
  6. chicken noodle soup and Club crackers
  7. KILLIN IT on my mass communications exam/having one class out of the 4 I'm taking that I don't have to stress too hard about since it's a 101 course
  8. my wonderful assistant manager at work let me leave early Tuesday since I was sick, bought me pizza today since she wanted me to split it with her, and helped me get time off so I could film capstone tomorrow! I've had such a tough week, and she's made it way easier in so many ways.
  9. hanging out with my roommate Laura and bonding with her by watching Labyrinth together, which is her favorite movie, and I've been meaning to see anyway since I never have before
  10. my little sister, for being born on this day 19 years ago. Happy Birthday, Sarah!

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