10 things.

Friday, April 24, 2015

10 things I'm thankful for this week:
  1. a spontaneous parkway trip on a rainy Sunday spent with Lonnie. He wanted to show me this house he discovered which was built on the water. It seriously looked like something straight out of a movie, and we had such a good day roadtrippin' together.
  2. having three classes cancelled throughout the week, which means I had plenty of time to conquer my giant to-do list
  3. a much needed phone call from my bestie, Whitney
  4. finishing up all of my classes, which included turning in a paper that I've been working on all semester long; I can finally see the light at the end of the proverbial academic tunnel and it feels amazing.
  5. the stop motion project I'm working on(which I'll eventually share, if all goes well), and the way that it challenged me to photograph myself in very different looks outside of my comfort zone. Long story short, I parted my hair down the middle for the first time since elementary school, but the way that I styled it actually convinced me to maybe give it a try a this summer. I've had the same hair for FOREVER, and I'm so ready for something a little different and I think this is an easy, noncommittal way to shake things up. My favorite blogger actually made a whole post about this same thing.
  6. getting back into the natural swing of creating, and realizing once again how importance this daily practice is. Maya Angelou knew what was up, y'all: "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."
  7. having a go-to maxi dress to layer with a comfy sweater on these unseasonable chilly April days
  8. dogwood blossoms
  9. getting a workout in early in the day, and then spending the rest of the day feel that much more accomplished and prepared to take on anything
  10. these weekly practices of gratitude

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