10 things.

Friday, July 17, 2015

10 things I'm thankful for this week:

  1. living so close to beautiful mountain views (that first pic was taken on the way to Walmart, lol)
  2. spending a late morning in bed relaxing in the new robe I bought to wear during summer
  3. taking my workout outside to Beaver Lake (such a beautiful place so close to me! I will definitely be returning sometime soon with my camera for a little photo excursion)
  4. Starbucks' new cold brew
  5. Grace and Frankie on Netflix (shout-out to my Aunt for the recommendation, I am OBSESSED with this show)
  6. summer berries
  7. summer sunsets
  8. waking up to a thunderstorm one morning when I had an early shift (to me, nothing is more calming in the mornings than pouring down rain)
  9. after exploring all of our options, Lonnie and I have decided to stay put in our current apartment and have several plans to fix the place up before we find new roommates, since it's the perfect time and excuse to move some things around and make the place feel more like home
  10. one night after work this week, on a whim, Lonnie grilled me up a peanut butter and banana sandwich in the form of a quesadilla with two tortillas instead of bread, and it was the BEST EVER

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