
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I spent the entire day packing and cleaning.
I leave the first thing tomorrow morning. (But before we head home, I'm spending the day at The Biltmore with my parents. Look forward to a post on that later this week.)

My emotions have been completely out of whack these last few days. I have been crying over minuscule events and getting over them just as quickly as they happen. I felt like I was going crazy until my RA came into my room after hearing me cry, showing me her puffy red eyes as well. I guess it's just this time of year. The stress of exams have taken their toll, and the swift moving changes happening around every corner don't help anything.

I didn't think the end of the year would be a big deal, but it just hit me that my routine, my friends, and my living situation will be completely shaken up for almost four entire months. I'm still not quite used to the back and forth of going to school away from home, I guess.
And after my minor slump last summer, I'm slightly apprehensive to see how this one pans out. All I can do is try my best to make it a good one, and I intend to do exactly that.

Looking back, I have truly developed a second home here in Asheville. My hall-mates have grown to be like a second family to me. Leaving, my heart feels twice as big, and I feel like I've grown twice as much. I already crave more experiences and more growth as I look forward to next year. It feels so good to call myself a college sophomore at UNC Asheville. A year after being so unsure about almost everything in my life, I now feel secure and happy where I am. I absolutely love my school, and I couldn't imagine my life any differently.

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