toes in the sand.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Just dropping in with some quick highlights from my weekend beach trip. The same details never fail to catch my eye when I'm by the sea side. Certain colors and textures are just too good: fresh greens with bright corals, grainy sand, billions of different colored neutrals, soft clouds contrasted against ridged waves.

My grandmother does not have internet access at her house, and as soon as I got back home, I was thrown in to a 3 day long jury duty trial. That was fun. But the point here is, I have been away from my laptop for almost a week. Honestly, it was nice to take a break and not have to worry about catching up on missed blog posts, pins, tweets, and status updates. Definitely the kind of summer relaxation I need after a year spent religiously checking my school email and trying to keep up with friends and family via Facebook.

1 comment :

  1. I told your dad that I read your blog... I love the pictures and the way you tell a story. Love you!!! Aunt Janet
